How To Install WordPress Plugin From Zip File On Your Website?

New users might have grudges that how to install WordPress plugin from zip? 

Building a website is not just the only task. You have to maintain its functionality too. For this WordPress has introduced the most effective way. What are the plugins which help improve the website’s functionality and performance? 

How To Install WordPress Plugin From Zip File On Your Website?

Plugins play a vital role while embracing the website as they are like apps for websites. WordPress holds a wide directory of plugins with a range of 55000. It includes all free and premium plugins which you can easily include on the website. Now the question arises that how to add add new plugin WordPress missing manually and what steps to follow. In this article, we’ll discuss installing plugins through a zip file. Before that, let’s have a look at how many ways are there to install plugins. 

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3 Simple Ways How To Install WordPress Plugin From Zip Manually

Assuming that, you already own a website and have WordPress installed on your PC. Then, it becomes very easy for new users and for developers to install plugins. Let us have a look at 3 easy ways: 

  1. Download a particular plugin from a wide range of available plugins on “”
  2. Install the relevant plugin you want for your website through a zip file. 
  3. You can purchase premium plugins and then install them through FTP. 

These are the three ways to install plugins for your website. Now we will discuss how to install WordPress plugin from zip?

How To Install WordPress Plugin?

Following are the step to install WordPress plugins on your website.

  • Login to the WordPress dashboard. On the WordPress admin area, you will find various options.
  • Under the dashboard on left, click on the plugins. 
  • It will open a new tab with various buttons for installed plugins and add new ones. 
  • Click on the “Add New” tab. To add new WordPress plugins
  • On the right side, you will get a search plugin option
  • Search plugins you want to install on your website
  • Activate the plugin after installation to begin using it 
Add New Plugins

How Do I Install A Downloaded WordPress Plugin?

The WordPress plugin directory does not list paid WordPress plugins. If you don’t find your suitable plugin on, then you can easily google it. Search the appropriate plugin by just inputting the name. Download the plugin zip on your PC.

With the first method, you cannot install these plugins. To install such plugins, WordPress provides an upload method. Let’s look at how to install WordPress plugins via the admin area.

Firstly, you’ll need to download the plugin from the source (zip file). Next, go to the WordPress admin area and click Plugins » Add New. On top of the page, click the ‘Upload Plugin’ button.

The plugin upload form will be displayed when you click the Upload plugin button. To install the plugin, click the ‘Choose File’ button and select the file you downloaded earlier.

After you have selected the file, click ‘Install Now to upload and install the plugin in WordPress. Once you upload the plugin file from your computer, WordPress will install it for you automatically. When the installation is completed, you’ll see this success message. To use the plugin, click WordPress activate plugin programmatically once it’s been installed. Depending on your needs, you would have to configure the settings.

Upload And Install The Plugin

Also, check out Premium WordPress Themes and templates for easily customizable.

Select The Best Plugin And Update It

While searching for plugins, make sure that you have opted for the best plugin. As you know that WordPress holds thousands of plugins to install. Of which, you have to choose the best that fits your website. For this, you have to look after the customer rating mentioned while searching for plugins. A low-rated or low-quality plugin may lag your website. Or the website may be affected by speed and performance. Other than this, just check the review section for each plugin.

Now it comes to updating the installed plugins. This is a very easy task do to. Once you have activated the plugin, it starts functioning. You will receive a message from WordPress to update the plugin. All you have to do is to click on the update button and it did. And the most important thing, you have to keep a backup before updating the plugins. 


The above content depicts how to install WordPress plugin from zip in simple steps. It allows the installation of free and premium plugins maximizing the website’s functionality. The handy design can be accessed by non-developers also. For a plugin to be installed, you just have to follow the three steps simply. Installation of a plugin through a zip file requires a zip file downloaded on the PC.

The next step is to select the add new button to jump on the upload file page. There, you have to upload the downloaded file and click the install now. Here, you are ready with the plugin installation. Just activate the plugin for further usage. The process is as simple to use with the WordPress dashboard. 


How do I manually install a WordPress plugin?

1. You can download the plugin as a zip file from the WordPress directory or a third-party website. Make sure that the plugin developer is legitimate if you are downloading from a third-party website.
2. Choose Plugins > Add New from the WordPress dashboard.
3. Click the Upload Plugin button at the top of the page.
4. Once you have located the plugin zip file, click Choose File and Install Now.
5. Once the installation has been completed, click Activate Plugin.

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